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Alexander Tovborg: Bocca Baciata

This catalogue was released on the occasion of Alexander Tovborg's solo exhibition Bocca Baciata at Overgaden Institute of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen in 2014. The myths and archetypes of cultural history play a central role in the works of Tovborg, where the past and the present are interwoven in ornamental visual narratives of human existence. In this solo exhibition, he adds a new element to a body of work that has previously focused on religious imagery. In his continuing investigation of the nature and manifestation of myths he directs attention to one of the most fabled beings of modern times—the dinosaur.

Designed by LA Graphic Design. With texts by Aaron Bogart and Tom Morton (English) and a poem by Bjørn Rasmussen (Danish).

Physical description:
Softcover, 88 pages
Edition of 500
Leipzig: Lubok Verlag, 2014
ISBN 978-3-941601-90-1

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