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Monica Bonvicini / Sam Durant: Break It / Fix It

"Initial inspiration for Fix it/Break it, Monica Bonvicini and Sam Durant‘s project developed for the Secession, comes from two of Wittgenstein‘s aphorisms: 'Running full tilt against the limits of language? Language is not a cage.' and 'This running against the walls of our cage is perfectly, absolutely hopeless.' Restricting space likewise limits possibilities for moving in space. The outline for the word 'Cage', which forms the installation, can only be imagined, is only visible and able to be experienced in excerpts, which alone do not result in a whole. In order to actually fully comprehend the cage, it is necessary to know of the cage, the borders of what can be imagined are also the borders of that which is known. Bonvicini and Durant inscribe a structure in the conceptual framework, and in the history of the room, from which they visualize their thoughts in the social, political, and historical conditions of architecture. The main task of a cage is to separate two opposing arrangements and thus the walls of the cage clearly describe the prevailing relations. In Bonvicini‘s and Durant‘s work, language and architecture stand facing each other - whereby the permeable gaps in this relationship are just as definitional as the separating walls." -Matthias Herrmann

Physical description: 
Softcover, 126 pages
Vienna: Revolver, 2003
ISBN: 9783937577005
6.5 x 9 inches
Weight: 1 lb.

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